Friday, October 29, 2010

Holloween Safety Tips

LIGHTING: Make sure the pathway to your home is well lit.  All children should have reflective clothing and a flash light, use clothing or a costume that allows others to see your child from a safe distance.
CANDY: Talk with your children about eating candy before they get home.  b. Make sure you inspect “all” the candy.  Anything that looks like it was tampered with should be thrown out. It’s best to error on the safe side.
GROUPS: Make sure your child walks or rides around with other children and “never” alone.   Children should be told under no circumstance are they to go up to any “vehicle” or stranger during the evening.  I use the word vehicle because some children will think its o.k. to go up to a van or bus if you tell them to stay away from all “cars”.  


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